Kalahari Gemsbok Park.. at last..

An early morning start before the sun rise, we were on our way…. in fact so early 60 km. later the sun was still not up and we had reached the entrance gate… we had to wait for opening time… but the excitement was high and the parks aromas could be detected… what was that smell? Had the sewage pipe burst.?? No it was something I had passed .. pure excitement….

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When the sun gave just enough light I snapped the building for memory …

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and in we went after all the necessary documentation had been done…… and straight off we started to see what we had come for… animals and birds amid the sand dunes of the Kalahari….

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We had only travelled about 20 kilometres and this was going to change all the plans we had made..

The idea was to travel to Nossob and then across to Mata Mata which is on the Namibian border… this would never work out, there was just too much to see and enjoy. We would have to take another road across the sand dunes between the two rivers.

Nossob is on the one dry river in the east of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park that is the division between South Africa and Botswana. There is a huge area in Botswana that is part of the Park, and it is this that makes the Kgalagardi Transfrontier Park, a park double the size of the Kruger National Park….

896 000 km² is the size of the Kgalagardi Transfrontier Park…. we only planned to stay in the Kalahari gemsbok Park…  so tomorrow we will continue to Mata Mata…


I will be doing more blogs of only the selected animals, birds and raptors after we have finished the tour… these photos are just a taste of things to came…


A Few Plants at Augrabies…(9)

It’s a desert, and they have had a drop or two of rain… but on my walk about’ I did not expect to find flowering plants…

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And then I found these flowering plants the first with hundreds of butterflies paying a lot of attention to it….

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The second, a bush with very little leaves but the most beautiful flowers…..

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And then this… what does one expect from a desert…????

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