25 thoughts on “Farewell

  1. We still miss you. Hope you’re having lots of smiles and adventures!
    Waiting for sunset on Christmas Eve is like standing toes-over-the-edge on a high diving board.
    Every year we’d cruise casually by the window to keep an eye on the sun’s progress until it was officially evening.
    Then the shout “Christmas Eve Gift!” would ring out.
    You see, the traditions says that the first person to voice that phrase on Christmas Eve to another would be graced with good fortune and joy all the next year.
    (And of course, whomever was first won. Everything was a contest…)
    It’s more difficult to be first now with caller ID.
    As all those who have become my friends in blogland are spread widely across time zones, I’d like to wish you all “Christmas Eve Gift” now.
    And as I already feel so fortunate to have such wonderful readers and writers in this neighborhood, I wish to share any phrase acquired good fortune and joy with you in thanks.
    No matter where you are or what you are guided by, hope you have a very merry Christmas and a new year full of adventure and joy.
    Peace on earth and goodwill towards all creatures great and small.

    • Thank you so much… ypou don’t know how much I miss you too. .. but with the golf course almost at the end of construction I should be back soon… Merry Christmas to you and yours and may the new year be all you wish yourself

  2. Missing you my friend and your wonderful wildlife photos. Think of you often – my Mum asks after you as she misses your comments. Hope you are well. xo

  3. I am so sad to hear this dear Rob, I can’t believe… she was really so beautiful lady that I have met in this world. And I really wished to meet with her in real life too. Rest in peace our dear Lady, love, nia

  4. For some reason only the title of your post is showing up for me, but it’s obvious from the comments that you have suffered a great loss. I am so very sorry and hope that your memories will give you comfort over the next little while. Hugs.

  5. I am sorry to have lost touch with you, and that you are hurting. I have looked a few times, but I’ve been so intent on things too. Keep your heart warm – & keep taking photos. xxx

  6. Bulldog sorry to hear of the loss of your friend George. I know she was a great inspiration to you. Hope to see you back blogging and more of your photos – I really miss them and your humor that you would add. Hope all is well otherwise. Think of you often my friend as you have been my inspiration πŸ™‚ Hugs from NZ

    • Still very busy with the golf course… should be back in contact in a month or two…. yes George was an inspiration and such a lovely person… it is surprising how close one gets with others on the internet without ever meeting them in person… look at us, I cant watch a sports event on tv where the All Blacks are playing without thinking how things are going with you… I will surely miss George…

      • Glad you are keeping busy with the golf course – that is very exciting but I look forward to you having more time for blogging and sharing your lovely photos and good humor. Take care xo

  7. I am sorry you lost a dear friend and enjoyed your touching words. I will think of her when I see your images…a memory I am sure she and her family will cherish.

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