
I am a semi retire Golf Course Green Keeper, and now a golf course designer and builder. Also a keen photographer, the only problem, I started late in life and my camera is not of the best but I am happy with the results I get. Please feel free to follow and comment on my photos, any input is seen as a learning curve by me.

I love to look at other photos as they suggest opportunistic shots I might be able to take.

199 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: On Retrospect: The People – A Frank Angle

  2. Hey Bulldog, need your photo of the black springbok for a book on the Cape West Coast. Would you be willing to allow us to include it in the book? Will obviously credit you in the References & Acknowledgements section. Please let me know! Thanks, Gary

  3. I didn’t want to express my feelings about the debate on my site and start a war of words possibly, but I don’t know if I can even watch the debates…I am really, really worried about the future. If the polls are correct and Trump is running even with Clinton, than I am truly, deeply disappointed in the citizens of this country. I’m not a huge Clinton fan, but I can’t imagine what will happen to us if a mentally ill man is elected President.

  4. Pingback: On the Most Beautiful Species | A Frank Angle

    • Ek ook! My Pa was in Upington gebore, en het in Keetmanshoop gewoon. My Afrikanns is very rusty! I came here on the ‘grand tour’ nearly 50 years ago and I’m still here. And i’ts VERY COLD at the moment, so I would love to share some of your heat! You say blogging gets to be a chore – I often forget to write up my stuff – take a look if you have time. It’s not as interesting as yours, but serves a different purpose I guess.

    • Oh I do thank you for that… unfortunately I decided not to accept awards when I started, as all I’m doing is sharing the Lords great work… and of course the privilege he extends me to be able to get close and to capture that which I do…. however every award I’ve been extended I have kept the blog post in a special file and go and boost my ego whenever I need it… specially when I go through dry patches… so I again thank you and will add it to my file to remember this beautiful award that you this day have honoured me with….

      • Oh, Bulldog, I know the feeling. I struggled with this for a while (my first nomination was in August!). I finally decided to crack open my fear shell and plunge ahead.
        I really do enjoy your blog and pictures so much.
        God’s Blessings!

  5. Hi Bulldog… I’ve been enjoying more of your pictures and your comments that go along with them. They are truly beautiful. Hope you don’t mind if I take up a little extra space on your comments section to leave something I wrote after viewing some of the Flamingo pics. I thought you might enjoy it…

    It was such a sight of gentleness
    Wading gently in the shallows
    A faint touch of their blackened tips
    To the surface of the seas

    Standing motionless
    As if innocently peering
    Into their own reflections
    Rippled only slightly in the breeze

    I think I remember you expressing a desire to write poetry. Just look into your photos and feel their magnificence… they are inspirational. Have a great day and thank you for inspiring me with your photography.

    • Michael…. how honoured do I now feel… thank you for the visit and the lovely poem. .. I wish I could write poetry like that… your complements are much appreciated. .. call again any time .. and you can be assured I’ll be going to your site to have a look around…

    • Thank you very much for this nomination, but I decided a long time ago not to do the awards thing… However I still love receiving nominations of which I keep in a special folder… When I need inspiration I go and have a look at them all and always feel inspired…. so again I say thank you very much…

      • My pleasure! I understand that participation in awards is not for everyone and I’m happy that you accept the nomination nonetheless. Thank you again for contributing to my truly rewarding blogging experience. Sincerely, Danica

  6. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award — Thank You! | Living a Beautiful Life

  7. Thanks for the follow. Your pictures are beautiful. They encourage me-I loved to take pictures when I was in high school. I used the school’s camera then. Always wanted to get back to taking pictures but never have. Can’t afford a fancy (or even, really, a semi-nice) camera but I can use my eyes to see the beauty and hopefully it translates to the picture. Thanks for the encouragement!

    • I use as lower order camera, the Fujifilm HS 10 not expensive but gives me the mobility and ease of use that I need…. I can’t afford the canons and nikon specially all the lens required to go with them… thank you for the follow and I hope you enjoy; as I’m sure I will enjoy your posts…

  8. Pingback: On a Trap for Monday | A Frank Angle

  9. Pingback: On Exploring South Africa | A Frank Angle

  10. Hello!
    I’m going to have to keep an eye on wordpress…for some reason for the last month, I’ve not gotten your posts….turns out you are completely deleted from my list of blogs that I follow…so…I have “followed” you again as of today. Hopefully I can keep my eye on you again…

  11. Rob, I know this is going to be hard, but think about it. A blogger with clout called BlogHer does an annual competition to highlight the best blog posts and photos. I’d like to nominate one of your photos. But I want you to pick you favorite photo of the zillions you have, give it a name and post it. Then I can nominate you. The link where I found out about it is: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/01/27/blogher-2014-nominations/

    I’m sure the competition is stiff, but your photos are marvelous and one category is nature. Your post can be about that picture you chose being nominated for the competition. There are judges but people get to vote as well for a “Peoples’ Choice” award. So you want to get the word out. I will too.

    If you don’t want to, just tell me. I’ll understand. I just think very highly of your talent.

  12. You have some amazing photos here with spectacular subject matter. It doesn’t matter how late you come at something. If you are a tenacious dog you will learn new tricks. Found your blog via a connection through CVC and thought I would say hi.

  13. Hi Bulldog, from what I see here your photos are amazing! I share all my own photos on my blog but they are nothing like yours, although I do really enjoy taking photos and always have done.

    just wanted to come over and look at your blog and to thank you again for taking the time to visit mine and for your lovely encouragement of my writing. I am now following you, and it is a pleasure to meet you 🙂

    • Thank you Sherri.. my photos are purely for fun.. I just seem to be lucky with my captures or maybe the many years of living amid them has given me a slight edge on capturing them… I am so pleased you are now following me as I was saying to TBM it was something you said that got me back down and writing, and for that I’m truly thankful…
      you might like to read a short intro I posted of my book I hope one day to publish… no edit has been done on it so forgive any errors you find…

      The Introduction to my Book… “Bulldogs Wild Adventures”

      • I just read the intro to your book, thanks for the link, and I’ve commented there.

        As I said, I think you have your answer with all the positive feedback that you received so you should be very encouraged 🙂

        Follow your dream and keep writing! Keep that fire burning! I say that to myself as much as to you 😉

  14. Hi BD, I have nominated you for a Sunshine Award! Have a look at my blog to see how to accept it. If you don’t want it, no worries. You are still a ray of sunshine caustic comments and all! I enjoy our banter. So does himself!

    • Thank you.. I saw on your post you had thought me a little ray of sunshine… to be called a ray of sunshine is appealing, but Linda can’t, after 40 years of marriage, see how anyone could consider me a little ray of sunshine… a big blob of bull-dust she would agree with… so I love the idea of being a ray of sunshine and thank you for thinking of me ….

  15. Hi bulldog, Vicky Basson here, chairperson of tourism for the Umtamvuna sub committee, an area including Port Edward. I would be honored if you would grant us permission to use your photographs of Splash rock (tue-09-08-2011-002 and tue-09-08-2011-064) in our marketing campaign, they’re the best I’ve ever seen. We will include your name wherever possible, just let us know if you would like to go by your alias or your real name.

    • You certainly have my permission to use them, they are in reduced format on my site, but if you want I can send them to you in a bigger format just supply me with an email address… use my alias.. I take photos for fun not for profit…
      They are quite good photos those two, but I have better that I keep for myself… when i lived in Southbroom I spent many an hour there waiting for the special wave… missed a few

  16. Hi Bulldog,

    In spite of your being a late comer in photography, you do take excellent photos, which are also often accompanied by excellent writings!

    Happy October to you, and may you find plenty of great “opportunistic shots”!

  17. Hi,

    You have a beautiful blog with wonderful photographs.I love looking the world through photographs.Looking forward to read more from you.
    I enjoyed my visit!!!Cheers !!!!

      • I can never get enough of South Africa, Rhodesia (refuse to be a part of Zimbabwe as to my mind that will always remain a ruin and not a country). Africa gets in your blood. I wish my hubby could see it. Unfortunately he can’t fly anymore. His ear drums were severely damaged during the Vietnam war. Flying for him, even with the pressurization in today’s modern planes would still be excruciatingly painful. So I show him all the posts I can find. Hope you enjoy a little of this side of the world through our monochromatic film images 😉

  18. Pingback: On Tributes | A Frank Angle

  19. I am happy to see elephants in your header. Such magnificent animals. I would love to be able to see them in person on a daily basis 🙂 Where did you shoot them?

    • Yes I have … this was caught by a few different videos… I can assure you the Impala didn’t jump in the car on purpose, this was merely an escape attempt and the car got in the way.. they can be lucky they had their window open otherwise it would have been smashed…. but the girl sitting outside the window was being totally irresponsible and had this been lion or leopard could have become the meal… the car was in the way and ended as an escape route for the Impala… shame the poor Cheetah actually lost out on a meal because of all the cars….

      • I thought it was possibly just a poorly executed jump by the antelope….and I agree, the person sitting outside the window was a fool…although it may have saved them in this case…we have deer that either are hit and thrown into cars or make a leap such as the antelope did and with a crazed thrashing deer inside, a passenger has been killed. In the heat of the chase I would think that the cheetah is so fired up that it would turn it’s power on whatever was handy! So again, idiot on the side of the car hanging out like a hamburger all but yelling “here! Over here! Come eat me!”…is again, lucky. I’m surprised the cheetah wasn’t injured…you can see it slide into and somewhat under the vehicle.

        • There were apparently 5 people in the vehicle… luckily there was space… I’m just surprised the Impala never came out injured… The impala is a slightly ore calm animal than some antelope I know that would kick the daylights out of you… I was involved in an Impala capture, and once you had it in hand it just stood… so those 5 girls were very very lucky… I’m sure it defecated, and probably peed, so the girls, I’m sure, were not alone ..lol

  20. Hey Bulldog wordpress question for you – you mention I should have watermarked my photos in last posting, can I go in and delete and reimport without affecting the blog having already gone out?

    • I’m afraid you might now be too late… as I’ve reblogged it, you might be able to change your original post but I wouldn’t worry about it.. if it’s going to be stolen they would likely contact you via your post for a bigger copy of the photo… that way you can negotiate a price…

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