Happy New Year… to all and everyone…

I want to begin with a quote…

“As the year comes to an end, don’t look back at yesterday’s disappointment. Look ahead to God’s promises yet to unfold.” ― Buky Ojelabi

To you all may the new year be all you wish it to be..

Today more Kudu… Anneli of http://wordsfromanneli.wordpress.com/ commented about this animals camouflage (hope I spelt that right Anneli)…. So I thought I’d give you a demo on how good it is… I found them this morning and took these photos specially to demo the Camo…


There are two more Kudu there in the bush as indicated by the arrows…. here’s a close up…


A different angle after they moved, yet still well blending…


and they even match the colour of the ground….


Happy Christmas to all my friends all over the world.

I am going on a short shut down till after Christmas… Tomorrow, or today, depending on where you live, son and I are off to fit the last shop and then I’m going shooting… NO not with a gun, but with my new camera…

I want to wish you all The best Christmas ever, have a great day and go on, over eat and enjoy… it only happens once a year…

and I’m going to leave you with a few sample photos from the new camera… wow… what a camera…

Off to build my house (shop)DSCF0218

Here’s looking at you …. having a good time… (Still learning about the white balance settings…)


But this one turned out great… never been able to get as close as this zoom does…


and here’s a family being fed…



and just so you know how close I was… here’s a non zoom shot of the bird…


Have a great week up to and including Christmas… and all drink a toast to Linda on Boxing Day… it’s her birthday… damn mustn’t forget a present for her… (I normally forget)….

WOW… A Camera for me… from my Fairy God Mother…

I collected my box from the courier this morning early, I rushed back to join Linda at the Laundry and RIPPED open that box… (I lie, I opened it very very carefully.)

The box once open looked like the inside of a Father Christmas sack… it was full of goodies, including the camera.


Filters, seven of them, now I will have to learn when to use them. Batteries, four of them, plenty power there. Two chargers, one can be used to charge my batteries in the car. Lens attachments – a 2.2 x HD AF Telephoto lens and a 0.43 HD AF Wide angle lens. Will have to learn when to use them. A 16 GB and a 32 GB high speed memory card. A camera case and two tripods – the small one is tiny…

The camera I thought was more or less the same size as my HS10…. but Noooo this one is bigger and really has the greatest of feel and balances perfectly in ones hand.


I thought the camera would be similar in operation to my old one…. Noooo it ain’t, I need to return to collage to learn about this one… but nobody could stop me from rushing off to the bush to see what it can do and here are but two of the many I took this day….



A flower…


Hey what’s that in the centre… more zoom… damn a tick….


All this excitement of finally taking possession of a gift from my “Fairy God Mother” and I’m not allowed to say who she is … A gift… I thanked God for the gift of my wife Linda… and I thank God for this person… but how does one say thank you??

I’ve said it to her in emails, yet still feel it is not enough… I’ve tried virtual hugs, and I hope she feels it…. but you know who you are, —- you are someone I will never in my life forget and every photo I take will be dedicated to you…. and can my photos get better with this camera..??.. you want to see some of the others I took today….

Sorry about the two posts today but I’m sure you don’t blame me…