Kudu and their camouflage..

I came across these photos I took a while back to illustrate the camouflage of the Kudu. These where fairly close but yet can so easily disappear within the bush they are eating from…

Look how he blends in with the tarmac… and car for that matter… (now that got you calling me an idiot..)


And here he is in the bush.. (he was really close…)


And this Mother and Youngster kept disappearing in the bush they were feeding on..



If it wasn’t for their ears you’d have trouble seeing them…


Below there is the Mother in the back ground… can you see her.??


55 thoughts on “Kudu and their camouflage..

  1. Awesome, just awesome, how lucky you are to be so close to nature Bulldog. Thank you for sharing your skill and gift of photography so that we get to view and learn more about some of these amazing animals too!

  2. Fascinating how wildlife both large and small has evolved naturally – all about survival I suppose.

    • I agree… but as one commentor remarked they have the camo to hide … why are women so insistent on colouring themselves up… not for camo I’m sure…

  3. Such a lovely view bulldog. You are so lucky to have had them so close to you. They are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. 🙂 *hugs*

    • These have been in my life as far back as I can remember… my Dad was nick name Kudu Ainslie and it wasn’t long after I inherited the name as well…

  4. They really do camouflage well! Funny that the ears have so much color. Wonder what nature intended there, since other than that I really would have trouble picking them out of the bush! I really love this animal. 🙂

    • Thank you.. it seems hard to understand the reasoning behind it .. yet that grey can disappear in green… but then I’ve been near to a huge elephant standing next to the road in the shadow of a bush and never saw him till he moved… and he was one of our big tusk carriers… grey and green seem to go well together…

    • Thank you… we are lucky to have it all… but then your south Island is only 7 times larger than our Kruger National Park, and only 4 times bigger than our Kgalagadi Trans-frontier Park… so we are a little more privileged than you…

    • You are correct Kymee I have been stalking other game through the bush to get that certain photo and whilst walking spotted a movement… I stand dead still and the ear twitch is what gives them away…

  5. Kudu believe how easily they vanish? One I saw a few weeks ago was almost in the open, but virtually invisible because of how well he matched the background.

  6. I wouldn’t have noticed the mother in the background had you not directed me to look for her! It’s funny how all of nature tries so hard to blend in and we humans work so hard to stand out. I wonder if there’s a message in there somewhere…

    • Yes I think there is.. they have the confidence to find each other at the right times.. like breeding time, as the bulls and cows don’t meet unless it is for breeding… we seem to want to advertise ourselves all the time… may be it’s a confidence thing that we might be missed and lose out…

    • How right you are… they are not the easiest to see without the flapping ears… but then I’ve been next to Duke and not seen him till he moved.. and that big elephant was big… believe he’s dead now..what a shame…broke off both his long tusks before he died too…

  7. Fabulous shots bulldog. I can’t believe these gorgeous creatures are just wandering across the road like this!! Yes- can see how the camouflage is evident … pretty amazing how nature provides protection this way. Something about that 2nd shot is really special …love it! x RL

    • The second shot this particular bull just walked into me in the bush… my camo that day must of been good as he took a long time before he spotted me and I was only 4 – 5 m. away from him.. lucky my camera was on silent otherwise the first shot would have chased him… when he did spot me he crashed away through thick bush that I had trouble walking through…thank you Robyn…

    • How true that is.. I sat once in the Kruger taking photos of the vervet monkey .. all of a sudden the bush not 10 metres from us moved, it was Duke, one of the big tuskers, He had been there the whole time and we never spotted him.. and he was big… but in a shadow and standing still he just melted into his surrounds…

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