65 thoughts on “Golden-tailed Woodpecker… a different perspective..

  1. So different than the woodpeckers found in Nevada! We have one that pecks at our metal fireplace flume. Love the sound.

  2. Different to the woodpeckers found in Florida. We see the big pilated woodpecker in the woods quite a bit. Our bird feeder hosts the downy woodpecker. One of the smaller of the woodpecker variety. The red headed woodpecker is also a frequent visitor. I make them treats consisting of lard, peanut butter, bird seed, chicken scratch and corn flour. Cut that into squares and put them into special holders that Marks made and we have a lot of happy birds as well as woodpeckers. This golden tailed woodpecker is beautiful. Gorgeous plumage and a great capture bulldog.

  3. You can often hear woodpeckers, but getting close enough to photograph them as you do is easier said than done. Wonderful shots Bulldog.

    • Thanks Brian… it is not easy, but then sometimes one just gets lucky .. picking the right place to sit at the right time, and just becoming part of the surrounds is my secret…

  4. Ours here in Cali, are black and red. Funny other than the different color they look the same. Its like picking a bird and having your color preference LOL. BTW, my birds don’t like oranges I tried. ; O), I guess I have to stick to the bird feed that they like.

    • We have 4 that are very similar to this one, and it is only slight differences in the stripes and spots that enables one to identify them… made many mistakes on these .. Thank you..

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