I’m Back and in a Neck Brace..

Well our trip was cut short due to a slight realignment of the cars aerodynamics. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, but I get to wear the neck brace for whiplash….

marina beach 034

marina beach 026

I don’t recall that anywhere in the manual book this was given as an option, so I’m having it changed back to its original shape.

But we are back for now an will be back on the road when the car is fixed and the neck brace is off, so till then I’m back to bother you all on your posts, so start blogging again I’m back..

Mind you I see you were all busy the last ten days or so, nearly filled my email box completely, I actually did not know I could get so much mail in a box… if this had have been the old days they would have delivered my post in a sack… any way nice to be back, didn’t take too many photos .. worked too much but I do have some to share…

118 thoughts on “I’m Back and in a Neck Brace..

  1. Hope you are healing. I must say your wording “due to a slight realignment of the cars aerodynamics” made me laugh out loud. I love how you put words, phrases, sentences, etc. together. Your humor cracks me up. Especially at a time like this when you are in an accident, a neck brace and you are finding humor in it all. God speed on recovering!

  2. Oh, my dear bulldog – I’m sorry the mishap was bad enough to put an end to your trip, AND put you in a neck-brace. Lets hope the car’s fixed now so you can go on that trip into the wild next week. 🙂

  3. I’m sure you’ve heard enough “sorry about your accident and hope you’re feeling better.” So I won’t say it. Glad you’re back, but too bad it took an accident to get you here. And I thought the jungle was the unsafe place for you to be… 😉

  4. Since we have been working a seasonal gig I have not been blogging much as of late. Sleep is a much greater needed commodity right now. I am so happy to hear that neither you nor Linda were injured seriously and hope you are out of your neck brace soon. Sorry there was damage to your car but, as we know, those things can be fixed much easier than our bodies.

    • Thanks LuAnn… had a bad neck movement the other day.. a loud crack ensued and the neck has been right ever since… did my own chiropractic work it seems… but thanks for the well wishes… now all I need is my car back and I’m ready to go again…

  5. Couldn’t press the like button. I don’t like. I have been in two accidents where I managed to total my cars. Whiplash is no joke. My first accident was 20 years ago and I still have pain and difficulty in my neck. I will be praying for a speedy recovery and no lingering after effects, Bulldog!

    • Thank you… but sat badly and turned my head.. there was a loud crack in my head and since things I’m feeling just so much better… don’t know what I did, but seemed to have fixed it… just a little stiffness left now that’s all…

      • Then count yourself lucky, Bulldog! You could have spent hundreds of dollars on a chiropractor to do that for you. Something in your neck was out of alignment and you inadvertently fixed it yourself. 😉
        Glad you’re feeling better!

    • Yes I’m following orders and don’t spend too much time behind the computer which seems to aggravate the pain… but things seem to be improving and the car should be finished early next week… but thank you for your kind sentiments…

  6. Oh, I’m so sorry about your accident and injury, bulldog. Do get well soon. What a shame about your lovely new car! I didn’t want to like this post,but thought it might help you get better faster, if I did. 😀

    • I’ll be alright I’m sure.. the car will be fixed by early next week can’t wait to get it back feel kinda lost without it… had to re follow you… don’t know how you managed to slip under my radar and disappear…

    • Thanks George… yes the car is in for repairs and hopefully I’m on the road to recovery, if Friday comes and I’m not feeling on the mend then it will have to be the expensive scans and X rays…

    • I was told to get one by paramedics and to see my Doctor on returning to home… I saw our neighbour who is a Doctor (specialising in brain) and he told me to throw it away, weakens the neck muscles he tells me, I must just take it easy and not even do any exercises but to rest the neck that’s all. He says it should recover itself in a few weeks, I like he added don’t have another accident within 6 weeks, I told him this is my first in 46 years I don’t plan to have another before 46 more years… I had it off yesterday and it certainly is more comfortable, the pain is still there as well as the stiffness, but I’m taking it easy…

  7. I was happy to see when you commented on my blog, but then I learned why you’re back early. Oh no, I’m so glad to hear no one was seriously injured and I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care

  8. Oh my, that’s a nasty dent in your car…after reading all the comments and well wishes, it’s good to see you still have your sense of humor. Now it’s time to mend…hopefully you’ll heal quickly with no residual problems.

    • Will go and have a look at the site… my problem is I do have a previous injury from school days that every now and then flares and causes migraines… and I think this has just given it a bit of a come back…

  9. Thank goodness you will be okay once your neck heals. As long as in the end – wounds and injuries heal, then it’s a lot easier to bear with the healing process than if the injury won’t heal.
    best wishes for a quick recovery,

  10. Welcome home – even if unexpectantly and temporarily and very very very glad you are both ok. The car, well the car will cope just glad it is just the car with all those dents!

    • You can say that again… not sure I’d like to have such a big hole in my side… thank you… actually quite glad to be back.. tend to miss home these days…

  11. Thank you for the update, bulldog. I was wondering what happened to the two of you. I’m saddened to learn of your mishap. May you heal well and fast–your car too. I’m glad that Linda is ok.


    • Thanks Russ, it was a bit frustrating as our connection where we stayed was pathetic and I struggled just keeping up with my work commitments… I’m sure I’ll be alright, well I certainly hope so and I thank the Good Lord for Linda being ok as the car hit us on her side…

  12. Oh no! That’s not good! Be sure to get the neck taken care of until it is 100% again. I made the mistake of not getting better treatment for whiplash eons ago and have suffered hugely ever since. Whiplash can be much more serious than people think, if you don’t get it treated. Make sure your neck is aligned right and get physio if it’s called for. I’m so sorry this has happened to you, but glad it wasn’t worse.

    • Thanks Anneli… I had a head to head accident in a swimming pool as a kid… I dived in and hit someone surfacing… my neck got a bit mis aligned then and I have suffered a lot with neck problems since then… this just seems to have caused an old injury to flare up again, but I have promised the family to have the X rays done if it hasn’t improved by Friday, my eye sight has taken a bit of a wonky hit with this as well which apparently is a result of the whiplash and taking photos is now almost impossible (can’t see any thing through the view finder). The shoulder pain has got less since the neck brace is in place so I’m praying it improves as those scans and X rays could set me back a good few thousand…

      • Whatever it costs, you need to get fixed up. I always regretted not insisting on getting better treatment for my neck. That’s awful to have re-injured an old weakness. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Hope it works out well for you.

    • The name Bulldog does also refer to my almost none existing neck that has always been so strong that now seems to not like swing around uncontrolled… and yet I whip my head around every-time I see a pretty girl, don’t know what happened this time, but I’ll survive to live another day… it is my first accident and I’ve been driving for 46 years, seems a shame to break such a long standing record… but full of smiles and laughing so I’ll be alright…

      • I’m glad to hear that if you HAD to have a first accident, this was the extent of your injuries…I’m guessing Linda is unscathed????
        I’m sure your neck has plenty more “girl watching” in it…but I know whiplash is painful too…so pamper yourself a little…(Think chocolate)..

  13. Holy crap Bulldog!!!! So glad to hear you are ok, but what the heck happened? You didn’t hit one of those beautiful animals you are always taking pictures of did you? Take it easy and eat tons of chocolate. You’ll be good as new before you know it :).

  14. I am praising God you and Linda were not terribly hurt; although, I am sorry you are in a brace. You have been missed around WordPress greatly. Excited you will be back even if it is just for a bit of time. It is so good to hear your humor again!! I will be praying for healing–both for you and the car. 🙂

    • Thanks Skye… I’m sure all will be alright… Linda has wanted me to take it easy since the accident, and now that we are back and are car-less I have no option but to listen to her… so it’s back to sitting and doing very little till we have transport… don’t know who’s gonna buy me chocolate and the shops are too far to walk to… lol

      • Oh, if I could, I would heard right over there with a huge box of the finest I could find!! Well, sometimes God puts us on our backs so all we can do is look up. Just enjoy time with Him and catching up here if you feel led. It is so good to see that blue shirt back on my screen!! I am so thankful you were both not hurt!!!! God is so good!

  15. So sorry to hear about all of this. I’ve been missing from blogville for ages. Opened a shop to raise funds for the shelters and it’s been taking up all my time. Good to be back for a brief moment though. Wishing you a speedy recovery

  16. Sorry to hear about your mishap, but good to see you haven’t lost your wit! – looking forward to your new your posts and photos.

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