Little Egret… Bob Dylan’s Blowing in the Wind…

Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)

I was only going to post this on Monday, but seeing that “whichwaynow101” beat me to it today, I brought the post forward.. She is such a card and I love to pull her leg, click on the link to see her post….

I sat and ponder the point yesterday when this bird was preening itself right in front of me. Do we take photos of birds to include all from the head to the feet? Must the eye be clear showing its colours? and the sunlight be just right for the perfect shot?

Well I decided that it was not so. I so enjoyed the way the wind was blowing this birds feathers that with a bit of zoom I captured the blowing feathers… So I go with Bob Dylan on this one… “The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind, The answer is blowin’ in the wind.” I include a link to a short youtube version of this song… sheeez I was still a teenager when he sang this…. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE LINK … and here are the photos…

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So in some photos he has no head or feet…. is that a crime? Am I committing photography suicide here? I don’t think so………… and in any case I don’t give a damn, its my camera and my blog…. I love it…

49 thoughts on “Little Egret… Bob Dylan’s Blowing in the Wind…

  1. I have to say I love ALL the shots of the egret but I especially like the ones without the entire Egret! It’s hard to believe/understand how they stay so white! Your photos take me to that place that I long to visit. Stunning shots, thank you for sharing your gift of photography with all of us!

  2. I happen to like the unusual, not capturing all of an animal or any image for that matter, but having a specific focal point. I say it is your damn camera so do what makes you happy! 😀

  3. For me, your different viewpoints help to show off the beauty and individuality of the Egret and add interest to the series of shots. I like them all.

    • It is but a pleasure for me to promote your blog… hope you gained a follower or two to keep you busy… I also loved the look I could see of this bird and decided that convention needs to be set aside, why not take a few unusual photos for a change… something different… I loved it and will do it again…

    • I can agree with that, but I don’t always understand some paintings, leaving me with a feeling of wondering what I’ve been looking at and they call that art… so this would be my contribution to the word art… Bulldogs art

    • Thanks Anneli… my photos have been criticised so many times by the “experts” as to what they see as faults with the photo, that I had to do this to show them a middle finger… They never comment on my blog, but on other sites where I show a photo or two, there is always someone that will find a fault as they see it… to me it is what catches the eye that I want to capture and to hell with the perfect shot… thanks for the comment… exactly, who cares about the head or feet…

      • Well, just ask “Zannyro.” Her photos of parts of Bob (and others) half in and half out of the picture give the photo a sense of movement and a sense that “there’s more where this came from.” Nothing wrong with your pics!

  4. An Egret ….so that’s what I was shooting this morning. Love your photos and your blog even though he’s missing a head. Now don’t be picking on my friend ….lol 🙂

    • I do enjoy 101… she is definitely a card and the way she can describe things in their RV makes one feel you are in it with them… thanks Ingrid.. such a nice comment…

  5. Such a beautie Rob and as usual you captured it so beautifully! Stunning shots my friend and thanks for sharing. 😀 *hugs*

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